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CareCubed Procedure


In January 2024, this chapter was reviewed. As part of this review, the telephone number for iESE was removed as it is no longer valid.

January 15, 2024

CareCubed is a secure online tool developed and managed by the Improvement and Efficiency Social Enterprise (iESE), a not-for-profit social enterprise organisation.

Its purpose is to:

  1. Provide a consistent method of determining care needs; and
  2. Align those needs to an appropriate cost for care based on local market data; so that
  3. The Local Authority and care provider can negotiate a fair price for specialist services.

CareCubed can only be used by practitioners who have been trained in its use.

The tool should be used in line with local requirements.

If you need access to CareCubed, please speak to your line manager.

As product developers the Improvement and Efficiency Social Enterprise (iESE) will provide comprehensive training to enable licensed practitioners to effectively use CareCubed.

iESE can be contacted via e-mail at if training is required.

During a skilled conversation to establish needs or review a Care and Support Plan, you will be asking the person (or their representative) a range of questions. By asking some key supplementary questions you can gather information for the CareCubed tool at the same time.

This will:

  1. Avoid the need for unnecessary duplication;
  2. Help reduce any anxiety felt by the person about the CareCubed process; and
  3. Reduce administrative burdens.

See the Resources by Practice Area section of the tri.x Resources for a downloadable version of an aide memoir that can be used to support the information gathering process.

Subsequent funding decisions should be made with full regard for the information gathered during the CareCubed assessment. The usual processes for funding agreement will still need to be followed e.g. peer forum.

Last Updated: January 15, 2024
